My available timeslots have filled now. I could put you on my waiting list if you want but would advise finding another tutor if you need help within the next month or so.
All posts by admin
Computer Science Tuition
Well, it’s that time of the year again!
As students move on with their lives, tuition places open up. It’s a shame to see them go but also exciting to see who I can help next!
Head over to the tuition page if you want to know more.
Black Friday Week Sale!
I thought I’d embrace this Black Friday sale madness and reduce the Inn and Tavern Companion to a crazily low price of under $5. I don’t plan to keep it that way for long, so get it while you can!

Inn and Tavern Companion on DriveThruRPG
I’ve taken the Inn/Tavern content from the RPG Encounter Companion, added some more tables and released this as a pdf on DriveThruRPG.
Here is the blurb from the listing…
The Inn and Tavern Companion is all you need to make your players’ stay a memorable one.
The tables within allow combinations to generate:
- Inn/Tavern names – thousands of combinations
- Food – hundreds of combinations
- Drinks
- Staff
- Standard of accommodation
- Patrons who frequent the establishment
- Quirks that make the inn/tavern unique
The rest of the book has hundreds of adventure hooks for events and characters that should spark your imagination and give you that starting point for a memorable stay for your players.
Using the content in this book, after a few rolls we have…
The Drowsy Donkey. Tonight it is serving a choice of steamed carp or seared badger with onions and mushrooms. Amongst the usual ale, mead and cider is a strange concoction known locally as Troll Sweat. Accommodation is good, well known for their comfy beds but the landlady is quite deaf. This may be due to the patrons loving a good sing song. One thing that strikes the party is the faint outlines of a summoning circle that the locals think is just a pretty pattern.
Looking for a character hook, a roll turns up…
Dragor, until recently, was a member of the renowned Order of the White Cloaks. Unfortunately, after a nasty blow to the head, he developed a fear of swords, restrictive clothing and horses. His last battle saw him take the field on a large goat, donned in a sarong and wielding a broom before abandoning the fight all together. He took up a lute and began preaching peace to those about him. Although seemingly suffering from mental trauma, the power of a god is growing within him, giving his wandering words a supernatural force.
or possibly an event…
The tavern is bustling with trade when the adventurers come in. The food and ale are cheap and plentiful and the landlord offers a discount for ‘the brave adventurers’ A while later a man walks in with what appears to be two minders. He is holding a document in his hand and walks straight to the bar speaking with the landlord in fairly polite tones at first. When the landlord appears to argue, the man signals to the two minders who go around the tavern emptying plates of food onto the floor. They then proceed to the kitchen where shouting can be heard. The man clears his throat and speaks to the angry customers. ‘Twelve people have died of poisoning in this town in the last three days and each one of them was a patron of this tavern. Until we discover the cause no one will leave and no one will eat!’
The Maze of Tey-Balls
I’ve put together a simple maze crawl that should help a GM new to Fantasy Grounds Classic or Fantasy Grounds Unity learn how to run Rolemaster Classic on it. It is designed to be played solo with multiple characters (12 level 5 pregens are provided) but with a bit of tweaking could be played with some friends too/instead. I’ve put together a getting started guide to, well, get you started! The link to the module and guide is below. Cheers!
Rolemaster series finished
The last episode of Rolemaster was made public recently. It will be good to have my evenings back to work on other things! Currently that is a GM trainer mini adventure set in a maze for Rolemaster on Fantasy Grounds. After that I hope to help the Imaginary Turtles with their RMU campaign source book. I also want to transfer the RPG Encounter Companion to Unity for a nice face lift, remove some of the network features Unity can’t do and then add a little more content.
Fantasy Grounds Rolemaster Classic how-to video series now finished
Just a quick note to say we’ve now finished our how-to series. There are 15 episodes that should help you get up to speed with using Rolemaster Classic on Fantasy Grounds. Hope they help you.
How-to tutorials for Rolemaster on Fantasy Grounds
Over the past six weeks, I’ve created a series of videos that explore some of the functions of Fantasy Grounds Classic when using the newly updated Rolemaster Classic ruleset. There are four more to come, including an “Advanced Combat” one next week but I thought it was time to post the link to the YouTube playlist as there are now 10 to choose from. Enjoy!
On Charon’s zenith
I’m running a one-shot for GenCon online. It’s for Rolemaster set in Shadow World to be played using Fantasy Grounds Classic and Discord.
Here’s the introduction for it.
Slain Heroes
Our Rolemaster actual play series on Fantasy Grounds continues this week. As you can tell from the title, the previous fight did not go well!
As usual, it is also in podcast format
I’ll post soon about the how to play Rolemaster on Fantasy Grounds videos a few days as I have now created 7 of those.
Happy Gaming!