April Update

This month’s update provides the last of the encounter and campsite/place random generators. This means you now have thousands of combinations for these in Road, River, Forest, Plains, Hills and Mountains.

Going somewhere?

Combined with all the other free content, I don’t think there is anything that rivals this app on any app store for help with RPG encounter and acts as an excellent companion. All free, no adverts.

But I’m not finished, not by a long way. Over the next few months I’ll be concentrating on bringing premium content to the City, Hamlet and Travel areas. I’ll also be aiming to streamline the NPC names somewhat.

There are over 400 of you lovely people who have used this app now so please help me out and leave a review. I haven’t got any! Or send me a submission so I can include it in the app please!

Regardless, happy adventuring!